Popular Positive HubPages and Squidoo Points
For the last five years,
Hub Pages and Squidoo have proven to be authorities
when it comes to writing backlinking articles for
article directories. When these venues first started, people posted articles to
earn money directly from their content. They would compose and publish these
articles on these venues, and then they would earn money through a system of
revenue sharing. The companies that own these sites would pay the authors a
percentage of the revenues that they earned, based on the number of visitors
that visited these sites.
Now, these article
directories are used for backlinking purposes.
Webmasters and business owners have realized that they can get lots of free
advertising for their websites in this way. They can do so by creating keyword
and content rich articles. If you are a business owner, or a webmaster, then
setting up accounts with HubPages and with Squidoo is free, and very easy to accomplish.
Here is a look at some
positive points in creating accounts with these services:
- They are free. Yes,
this was mentioned, but it bears repeating.
- They are very
user-friendly. Just create articles in several paragraphs with headings, copy,
paste, and publish your article.
- They are popular with
Google right now. This means possibly good ranking and more visitor traffic for
- You can personalize
them to a point. Squidoo and HubPages
both allow HTML, but if that isn't your thing, HubPages
offers an easier template to use.
The key in using both of
these platforms for backlinking purposes is that the
content must be search engine friendly, keyword rich, and relevant to the
website being marketed. For example, if your website sells electronics, then
don't write articles about your love of knitting, and then insert links to your
electronics website. Google doesn't like that, and you will get a low ranking,
killing your backlinking efforts.
If you need help writing
your content or even learning how to set up your hubs and lenses, adding
keywords links, images, other modules and more, don't be afraid to get help.
Find plenty of good freelance contractors out there in Internet marketing
forums and at contractor sites. Review their websites, work samples,
testimonials from clients and other portfolio info they have, review rates and
project work, then give web helpers a try, especially reaching out with more
than one lens and hub. Get more than one of each underway so you can crank them
out on a regular basis.
Advance with
Affordable Business Support Services & Products, Outsourcing with
Personal Virtual Assistants for
your Squidoo and HubPages
work and more today at: http://www.ohiohelpgroup.com -
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