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Failing Forward Successfully

By Debbie Allen


Can Mistakes Be Good For Your Business?


Hopefully you make a mistake now and again, because failure can

actually be good for you and your business.  If you haven’t made

any mistakes for a while, you may be playing it too close to your

comfort zone and not stretching yourself far or fast enough to

achieve high level goals.  To aim high, you must accept some of

the risks that go along with learning something new.


Risks come with the acceptance that you will make some mistakes

along your journey, but you will want to avoid making costly

mistakes or making the same mistake over and over again.  Use

good common business sense.  Every business and every career has

its share of challenges.  You will constantly be tested in

business as new challenges arise or as your business grows and



You will always be challenged with new areas of your business

that stretch you past your current abilities and expertise.  It

may be a big sale, the start of a new business, a new opportunity

or an extremely difficult challenge.  Yet all failures will help

you learn more about your business and help you build your

self-esteem at the same time.


Learn from your mistakes and move On. (Actually I don’t even like

the word mistake; I believe that mistakes are simply challenges

in disguise.) Realistically most of us don’t get it right the

first time around.


Successful People:


·           Make mistakes all the time, but the only difference is that

most of the failures go unnoticed because they don’t give up.

They keep on going.


·           Make it look easy.  Although it’s easy looking in from the

outside, many don’t often notice or acknowledge their failures.


·           Evaluate their failures, come up with new solutions to the

challenge and try again – this time more educated than the first.


·           Don’t allow the fear of failure to stop them from achieving

their goals.


A study of the failure and challenges of business shows the

ultimate success secrets of any enterprise.  These are the key

lessons an organization learns as they grow, expand and compete

in a changing marketplace.


If you want to create shamelessly fabulous success, study all the

failures.  Most highly successful people were not successful from

the beginning, they had to struggle a little or a lot to reach

their peak potential.  Walt Disney was actually fired from his

first job because he was told that he was not creative enough.

Not creative enough?  Luckily, he didn’t listen to his clueless

boss and trusted his own innovative ideas.


We all have a tendency to focus on success and fear failure when

things don’t go as planned.  So don’t be too hard on yourself if

you feel that you are making too many mistakes to make it to the

top.  Hang in there and be patient. Once you overcome the

challenge, you won’t have to do it again and you will be failing

forward faster.


Success takes time just as it takes time for you to adjust and

learn new skills.  But, be aware that mistakes will continue to

happen even after you have reached a high level of success.  You

will always need to be learning something new in business to stay

innovative and on top of your game.


When you think you have it all figured out and have made all the

mistakes you need to make to learn, something will challenge you

again and test your confidence.  (I’ve been an entrepreneur all

of my adult life and I’m still making mistakes, and plan to keep

making them.  Once I have it all figured out I get bored.) Making

mistakes, turning them into challenges and then overcoming those

obstacles in business is extremely rewarding.  There is nothing

that can challenge, motivate and build your confidence faster.


Mistakes and challenges are going to occur anyway, so the sooner

you learn from them, the sooner you will become more successful

in whatever you do.  Most people tend to reach conclusions about

success, but until success is compared with failures – people

don’t truly understand the whole story of how business works.


Why Don’t They Teach Failure In School?


Failures tend to disappear from business education curriculum?

Information about business failures is often scarce or ignored

completely, yet it is inevitable.  On the other hand, information

on successful companies and their success strategies is in

generous supply.


Companies that pursue unsuccessful strategies either change their

business strategies or they go out of business. A successful

company is described as having used visionary management and

innovative marketing strategies while a failing business is

accused of poor business management and overall bad business

skills.  So why don’t we teach future entrepreneurs more about

failure?  Wouldn’t that save us a ton of money from mistakes that

could have been avoided in the first place?


Can you imagine telling your banker to add an additional $20,000

for the mistakes that you plan to make in your new business

venture?  They would think you were crazy. Yet that is exactly

what is going to happen while you develop the business.  You

simply must make mistakes to see what works and does not work to

attract new customers. It is necessary to make mistakes as any

business grows.  The reason why franchises have a larger success

rate than independent company start-ups is because they have

already made many of the mistakes and systemized the business

around avoiding them in the future. For the most part, franchises

come with proven success systems that were created out of

learning from past mistakes. So mistakes can indeed be good for




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Word Count: 948 words


Bio: Debbie Allen is an international professional speaker who

has presented in nine countries.  She is a well-known self

promotional marketing expert and author of four books.  Her

expertise has been featured in Entrepreneur, Selling Power and

dozens of other national and international publications.  Her

award winning book, Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters has

been published in four countries.  Download a free chapter of

this insightful book, sign up for your free online marketing

newsletter, and listen and/or view Debbie’s dynamic presentations
