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Get Lucky!
Have I ever told you the
story about Earl? It all started when I
put myself up for auction on
eBay. I wanted to be the first
speaker to do so, since it’s
“always good” to be the first to do
anything. Last summer, eBay
was the hottest thing around so I
thought to myself, Why not?
Spring Air Mattress
Corporation was the highest bidder, and all
proceeds went to the Big
Brothers Big Sisters organization. It
was a true win-win right
from the beginning. Spring Air is
headquartered in a beautiful
part of the country in the heart of
Utah. My trip there and the
meeting that followed were
fantastic; however, it was
the person I met on the journey who
really made a difference in
my life and how I viewed success
from that day forward.
Let me start from the
beginning and set the scene.
While staying at the Grand
America hotel, I couldn’t help but
notice the incredible
decorating and workmanship that had gone
into this classic
masterpiece. I felt like I was in a
castle—walking on imported wood
floors, surrounded by marble
walls, and passing under the
finest glass chandeliers I’ve ever
laid eyes on. The only word
I can use to describe it is
majestic. While enjoying a
warm cup of refreshment during “high
tea,” I noticed an elderly
gentleman in the corner of the lobby.
People were walking up to
him, kneeling down to touch his hand
and whisper words into his
ear. I thought to myself, Who is this
guy, the pope?
After querying a few staff
members, I learned that his name was
Earl Holding and he was the
owner and operator of this great
palace, along with the
entire Little America hotel chain, which
stretched from state to
state. Now, anyone who knows me knows
what happened next—of course
I went over to talk with him.
An hour or so into our
meeting, Earl looked at me and said, “You
now know more about me than
my own children do.”
“That’s probably because
most people want to talk about all the
success you have in your
life and all the things you possess,” I
replied, “while I want to
learn how you created your success so
I can duplicate it for
myself and teach others to do the same.”
“Want to know how I made a
fortune?” my new mentor asked.
“Please,” I answered.
“Luck and ACTION,” he
bellowed. “When I was younger,” he
continued, “I wanted to get
into the oil business, so I bought a
used oil rig. Funny thing—I
struck oil on the first try, nearly
800 barrels a day, and if
you know the oil business, you know
that’s nearly impossible. I
truly was very lucky. The point is
that I took action to have that
luck. If I’d never bought that
rig, taken the chance, and
popped it into the dirt, I would not
have succeeded the way I
did, there would have never been a
chance to have that Luck.”
“Wow,” was the most
provocative response I could come up with.
“That’s nothing!” he shouted
back with a hint of laughter. “It’s
what I did next that made me
the man I am today. You see, I took
the profits from that first
strike and did it again and again,
becoming so called Luckier
and Luckier, buying more and more
rigs until I finally
fulfilled my dream and bought one of the
largest oil refineries in
the nation. Ever hear of Sinclair Oil
Corporation?” he asked.
“Of course,” I replied.
“That’s the one with the dinosaur logo,
“That’s the one,” he
responded in an assuring tone as he took
another sip of his tea. “Now
we’re producing more oil than I
ever dreamed possible.”
Our meeting continued and
the information flourished from his
soul as he recounted his
greatest achievements, along with the
Path he took to attain them.
I sat there in amazement, listening
to story after story as he
shared his deepest thoughts. I felt a
sense of real appreciation,
as if at that very moment in time,
he was passing a baton to an
eager student who wanted to do more
with his life than he
already had.
So, what did I do with this
information? Something crazy in
today’s world, something you
don’t hear about very often—I
applied his suggestions, and
took action toward some long lived
dreams of my own.
Returning home from this
journey, I rolled up my sleeves and
silenced all those fearful
stinkin’ thinkin’ voices that we have
within us that hold us back
from pursuing our desires, and what
do you know? Not only did I
make the most money, it was the
first time feeling as though
I was doing what we all seek most
out of life, (Living in
Purpose). Please understand, there was a
lot of hard work involved,
but it is simply amazing how true
that old statement is – “The
more action you take, the luckier
you get.”
Isn’t it time you took
action, and Got Lucky too?
Gregory Scott Reid, #1 best
selling author The Millionaire
Mentor, Positive Impact,
and co-author Wake up…Live the life you